Method Sokujo

for further study :
At the beginning of the Meiji era (1868-1912), a group of breweries hired chemists to study fermentation methods, and to invent better machines to increase polishing. As a result of their work, the process of selecting and isolating yeast was discovered, and also how to make lactic acid. These discoveries made it possible to simplify the manufacturing process and to better control the fermentation.
In order to prevent the development of airborne yeasts, two steps were taken: lactic acid mixed with water was added to the shu-bo tank at the beginning. Then, about 12 hours later, the selected yeast is added and takes up all the space. This is a revolution in the process, because these two discoveries prevent the multiplication of undesirable and uncontrollable yeasts and bacteria.
This is now the most common method of making sake because it is the less risky, the easiest and the fastest method.

  • Rokugo Junmai Nama

    12,00 62,00 
  • Senkame Junmai Nama Nigori Sparkling

  • Shinkame Junmai

    24,00 96,00 
  • Shinkame Junmai Nama Nigori Sparkling

    25,00 56,00 
  • Hiokizakura Junmai Ginjo Densho Ghoriki

    32,50 65,00 
  • Rokugo Junmai

    33,00 76,00 
  • Uzen Shiraume Honoka Junmai Namazume

    35,00 75,00 
  • Uzen Shiraume Junmai Ginjo Chirori Namazume

    39,00 79,00 
  • Rupture de stock

    Hanafubuki Junmai

    43,00 86,00 
  • KOIKAWA Junmai

    44,00 81,00 
  • Usen Shiraume Tawarayuki junmai ginjo Nama Genshu Shiboritate Tsuyahime

    45,00 90,00 
  • Ayaka Junmai Binkakoi Namazume

    45,00 96,00 
  • Tanzawasan Label rouge Yamada-Nishiki Junmai Nama Genshu

    46,00 106,00 
  • Tansawasan Shuho Junmai

    47,00 94,00 
  • Daichi Junmai

    47,00 104,00 
  • Uzen TAWARAYUKI Junmai Ginjo Tsuyahime

    47,00 94,00 
  • Tansawasan Shuho Junmai Nama Muroka Genshu

    47,00 94,00 
  • Koikawa junmai ginjo nama nakadori miyama-nishiki

  • Yushin blue Junmai Ginjo Namachozo

    51,00 52,00 
  • Rupture de stock

    Ryu Wakamizu Junmai Nama Muroka Genshu

    52,00 104,00 
  • Tansawasan Reyho Junmai

    53,00 108,00 
  • Musashi shinkame junmai
    Funakuchi 2022

  • Hikomago Junmai

    850,00 4.000,00 
  • Hanafubuki Junmai

    900,00 3.400,00 
  • Shinkame Junmai

    900,00 3.600,00 
  • Shinkame Junmai Nama Sweet 14

  • Mahoto Junmai

    1.500,00 3.400,00 
  • Kotori no saezuri Junmai Ginjo

    3.200,00 10.000,00 
  • Hikomago Junmai Ginjo Nanago

    3.200,00 10.000,00 
  • Hikomago junmai daiginjo

    4.000,00 16.000,00 
  • Shinkame Junmai Ginjo Muroka Nama 2013

  • Shinkame Junmai Ginjo Nama Funakuchi 2013

  • Shinkame junmai Dai koshu 1983

    8.500,00 12.000,00 
  • Hikomago Junmai Ginjo nama Kase nigori Sparkling Koshu

  • Hikomago Junmai Daiginjo
    Funakuchi 2010,17

  • Hikomago Junmai Daiginjo
    Funakuchi 2001,02,03

  • Toki no nagare junmai ginjo
    Dai koshu blend 1984,85,86
